Dec 22, 2020I’ll be Home for Christmas (or probably not)Christmas and the holidays this time of year are when most of us get together with our families – immediate, extended, and even those we...
Nov 10, 2020Will they cancel Holiday Cheer?Oh 2020. You just won’t give up will you. You took away our summer plans. Dinners out with friends. Days out shopping. Going to...
Aug 24, 2020Okay – can this be over now?Didn’t they tell us this pandemic supposed to last about two weeks if we all just washed our hands? We followed the rules. We stayed...
Aug 3, 2020Focus on PeaceDo you find yourself stressed? Angry? Upset? Sad? With everything going on this world over the past few months, I’d be surprised if...
Mar 28, 2020Coping with Constant Change - Covid 19We want to let you know, however you're feeling, it is okay to feel that way, even if it doesn't feel "okay." You may be having trouble...