Christmas and the holidays this time of year are when most of us get together with our families – immediate, extended, and even those we silently wish we aren’t related to. Many have their families scattered all over the country and still plan and save up to travel back home for the holidays.
But this is 2020 and maybe you or your family have decided to skip the traditional gatherings this year. This year, you’re just staying put and getting Chinese takeout while hoping 2021 gets back to “normal.” So loneliness may already be starting to set in for you, or maybe you have loved ones who are really down.
We want to encourage you to take a positive look at your situation and maybe do something a little different. Ask yourself how you can make the most of the holidays? Here are a few suggestions.
First – embrace the technology that we have. While being virtual over the holidays will not replace being together in person, it’s the best option this year. Good thing there’s technology available to help connect with loved ones during this crazy year. And who’s saying it has to be a quick call? Connect with family or a close friend and watch your favorite holiday movie together. Just because you’re in different locations doesn’t mean you can’t still laugh, cry and eat Christmas cookies together.
If you have a family member who is being isolated due to health reasons, perhaps you can have a neighbor or someone close to them (like their caregiver in a nursing home) set up a zoom call so you can still have a visit. Get creative!
Second – fill up your alone time. Obviously, we can’t zoom for a week straight. So instead of just sitting at home, try to get out. Drive around the city and see light displays. Go meet outside with some neighbors to share cookies and stories.
And some of our favorite ideas are those which take the focus off of us and put it on serving others. Like check to see how you can volunteer at a church, soup kitchen, or homeless shelter. Do you have an elderly neighbor who isn’t going anywhere? Perhaps you can stop by just to say hello or bring them a meal. You just being there may make all the difference to them.
Lastly – take the time to improve yourself or your situation. Get a jump on setting goals for 2021 to make that a better year. Take an online course to learn a new skill, a new language, or a new instrument. Tackle that project you have been putting off like organizing a closet or painting a room. Nothing like getting that sense of accomplishment to really turn your mood around.
On behalf of everyone here at Tranquility Holistic Health & Wellness, we wish you a very Happy, Healthy, and joy-filled Holiday season! And we want you to know we are always here for you if you need to talk.
You can give us a call at 234-466-6274 or head over to the contact page and fill out the form to send an email or schedule an appointment.