Oh 2020. You just won’t give up will you.

You took away our summer plans. Dinners out with friends. Days out shopping. Going to concerts, carnivals, and amusement parks. All pretty much disappeared.
And now the holidays. Can’t we just have the holiday season, please? No, sorry.
So many look forward to spending Thanksgiving together as a family – no matter how dysfunctional or aggravating they can be. We watch football (or the first Christmas movies of the season), eat way too much of the food that comes around only once a year, laugh, share stories, and escape…even if just for a day.
It just may be too risky to get together this year. The busiest travel days of the year are not going to be quite as busy as people are planning on staying home, hoping next year is different.
This is the one year we can really use a hug and would actually look forward to snuggling up on the couch with cousins watching bad TV.
So how do we make the most of it? We can still enjoy some holiday cheer, even if it looks a little different. Here’s some suggestions.
Take advantage of the technology that’s available. Getting on a video call with loved ones can definitely put a smile on your face. You can still share stories, laugh, and even watch a holiday movie together.
Make a favorite recipe together. Love that gooey sweet potato casserole with the mountain of mini marshmallows? Call the person who makes it every year, and get messy in the kitchen “together.”
Surround yourself with things that bring you joy. Maybe that’s special decorations, lights, music, or pictures.
Do something for someone else. Write a letter to someone you haven’t seen in a while. Make a meal for an elderly neighbor who can’t get out. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. There is something so healing and uplifting about giving.
But we also understand this can be an exceptionally lonely and sad time for you. If you are having trouble coping through the holidays – no matter what the reason, don’t keep it to yourself. Please reach out – we are here to talk and help.
And we can meet via the internet through our Teletherapy program. Just reach out to us to schedule an appointment. Just head over to the contact page or call us at 234-466-6274.